Tuesday, February 28, 2006


So far today I went to the acupuncturist, rehearsed the Biber Marian Vespers, and auditioned for a solo. The acupuncture helped, as I was really, really sick this past week. Thursday and Friday I felt like I had the flu with chills and everything, except I didn't have the flu--it was all hormonal. I had to leave the opera on Friday night bent over at a 90-degree angle because my cramps were so bad. And men think they have it so bad when they're sick. I've had stomach surgeries and everything. Western medicine has informed me that my two last options are to a: have my uterus taken out, or b: shut down my uterus and make it think it's going through menopause and then try to build it back up again. Both of those sound pretty fucked up to me. The only thing that has ever helped me was acupuncture, and it made me a relatively normal person for the past two years--I've just started suffering again in the past month (continually, even when I'm not on my cycle). I was glad to hear from a friend of mine who has suffered greatly from cramps that childbirth for her wasn't too bad--she's been experiencing childbirth-esque pain every month since she was a teenager, so I guess I have, too!

I always forget how nerve-wracking auditioning can be. I've done it countless times (obviously, given all the groups I'm in!), but it's still not a pleasant experience, no matter how many times you do it. I was first up, too, and the part I was singing was a bit weird tonally. Luckily, I'd hammered out the notes on the accordion last night. I'm sure my neighbors were thrilled. :) I do have the right kind of voice for Biber, however, so if I don't get a solo or a small-group part, then it's probably more a matter of taste than anything.

Must. stop. keeping. the. tv. on. all. the. time. Must. read. gone. with. the. wind. I got all these opera people to start reading GWTW for a book group but I myself haven't been getting it read! Last night, I simultaneously was watching Sense and Sensibility, Best in Show, and "The Bachelor." Good grief, I need help. (Feeling like complete and utter shit much of the time, though, can make one addicted to TV--when you're in chronic pain, you can't really do anything else except knock yourself out. I personally get carsick when I read in pain. I know--I'm not in a car, but I swear I do get carsick.)

So tonight I have rehearsal again for three hours. We have a performance at the library on Thursday and another one next week, somewhere....Or two next week. I can't keep track of it all. And then I was hoping to actually go out tonight, but chances are, that's not going to happen, owing to the fact that I've been in ridiculous amounts of pain lately and am tired. :( It'll be weird not to go out on Fat Tuesday, though. It's Calypso time!

Two links:

I found the Dubious Achievement Awards from 2003. I haven't found them for any other year since 2000, though--Esquire decided that 2001 was too serious to make fun of, for some reason. But apparently they did 2003 in February of 2004. I'm now on a mission to find others.

Leann sent me this end of the world cartoon.


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