sea monkeys™

When I told my friend at work that I'd gotten Bhishma, he mentioned something about Sea Monkeys™. I can't remember exactly why, but we got in a pseudo-argument about it, and he asked if bettas were as cool as Sea Monkeys™ and wore crowns.
Well, now I'm trying to feed Sea Monkeys™ to said betta and new betta. I had read that they like freeze-dried brine shrimp so I bought a ton. Do they eat them? No. They say "patooie" and spit them out. So since they're spoiled little queens (they're both boys but princessy queens regardless), I went out and bought them frozen brine shrimp. These packages are totally disgusting--you take a tiny little chunk of what looks like frozen mud, pop it in some of their tank water, and pow--you've got expanded dead brine shrimp. Grody to the max. But do they like the real thing? Nope. Patooie again. Apparently they just like their goddamned Betta Bites. ™.
Who the hell died and decided freaking brine shrimp would make decent pets anyway? My friend's roommate at Interlochen apparently decided to feed her Sea Monkeys™ glow-in-the-dark stuff. According to my friend, the Sea Monkeys™ glowed for a few days and it was real cool and then they died.
I wonder what my friend at work is going to say when I tell him I'm feeding those oh-so-glamourous Sea Monkeys™, crowns and all, to my fishies.
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