Thursday, February 16, 2006

tofu creations

I'm beginning to think I don't like tofu. And that I make a lousy curry. This is my second attempt in two nights.

However, I do think I like tempeh, so maybe I should work with that....

Bhishma is very happy. He has been making a bubble nest all day. He is also swimming around and flaring all the time like a complete spazoid. I think he's bigger than he was last week, and he's definitely fiestier. Did I spell that right?

As for me, I'm doing much better. The acupuncture is making a big difference. Last week I wasn't in pain so much but I felt like I had to hurl all the time. Now he's fixed that and I'm tired but can function much better.

I just talked to my cousin, who today auditioned for--get this--Doctor Zhivago: The Musical. I thought that Jane Eyre: The Musical was getting silly, but.....One just has to ask: do they incorporate Lara's Theme through the whole show? I guess singing Andrew Lloyd Webber every single night for five years has probably gotten under his skin, though, so maybe a change would do him some good....

I applied for a job back home, and seriously pumped my nativeness. It was for the Colorado Historical Society and they seemed to really want someone who knows about Colorado. Since so many people in the Boulder and Denver area move in and out of the area in rapid succession (and since I hardly ever meet anyone else in Colorado who is actually *from* Colorado), I'm guessing that I'll look good--I was born and raised there, and it was my permanent home for 25 years (OK, so continuous living for 21 years but still officially permanent). I've also applied for two jobs in Western Mass. (my favorite part of the country), and two in Philly. The rest are all great, big publics. I hope something gives.


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