
They're about to award Best in Show at the Westminster Dog Show. I find these moments very, very exciting. I do admit, I have a problem. I absolutely, unconditionally adores dogs. I've been going into convulsions whenever they show those damned puppy commercials. Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod I just can't stand it! They are so adorable it's beyond cute.
They just said that the terrier group wins Best in Show by far the most often. Grr. Why not the working group? Those are my favorite of course!
Drum roll.......I can't handle the suspense! The crowd wants the Golden Retriever to win, of course. How predictable are Americans? They also really like the Old English Sheep Dog (his name is Smokin'!)--his fur has been completely teased out and he is the most enormous fluff ball ever. The Rottweiler has a breeder/owner/handler situation.
The Colored Bull Terrier won. He's really, really cute.
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