Friday, February 10, 2006

instead of eating a gallon of ice cream....

I got a fish! I was depressed and my feng shui book says that having a fish is good to have movement in your space at all (or most) times. So I guess instead of buying really expensive shoes, I bought a $3 betta and a $14 bowl set with everything included and like a lifetime supply of food (since I don't have a car). I'm so worried he'll die on me quickly because I got a goldfish in high school and it died after about three hours! I probably wasn't careful enough about the water, though. I was very sad. I felt so responsible for its life.

Anyway, this one I have tentatively named Bhishma. My friend Elizabeth was very particular about naming him a strong, but not too depressing, warrior name. Bhishma DOES die in the Mahabharata, but he is filled so full of arrows that he cannot hit the ground when he falls, signifying his greatness.

I seriously need to reread that. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it when I was in college.

I still feel pretty lousy and have all week, but I think I've been down in the dumps, too, so it was good for my friends to make me do something with them. Elizabeth could have spent hours going through all the betta fish at Petsmart. She's very picky about things like that. Then this other customer and his girlfriend were eyeing the bettas and started going through each and every one themselves! They chose my second choice. Bhishma is red and fairly calm. The other one was blue (although not a very deep blue) and had gorgeous fins and was very feisty, of which Elizabeth did not approve (she had a betta in college who was mean to her but lived for a couple of years). Of course, I don't really need to bond with my fish or anything. I felt so tempted to get a finch, though. Although it might chirp or something and get me in trouble in my complex.


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