Wednesday, February 08, 2006

how I got poked

I have started getting acupuncture again. Owing to a bad history of endometriosis that was only helped by acupuncture, now that I'm sick again, I'm thinking I need to make the sacrifice unless I want to be pumped full of all kinds of weird Western drugs.

In fact, I was in so much pain all day on Saturday that I had to take a Vicodin to get through the Mozart Requiem performance. I was doing great for about the first half, and all of the sudden, I realized I was possibly going to black out. So I had to make a snap decision to get the hell off the stage, before I collapsed (worst-case scenario) and then they would have had to stop the concert and call the paramedics or something. I talked to my friend last night, who somehow got the impression that I had crawled off the stage. That would have been hilarious. She also mentioned a performance she was in of the 1812 Overture, when her orchestra was playing in a barn-type auditorium, and a racoon fell out of the rafters when one of the canons exploded. Awesome.

Of course, maybe only she and I find that funny.

Anyway, so I saw this local acupuncturist yesterday, and he's very Chinese. My acupuncturists prior to him have always been whities. Whatever he did was probably particularly effective. My white acupuncturist in Chicago always told me that I might feel weird after the treatment but I only remember feeling a bit weird once or twice. Yesterday I felt bizarre. My body seemed to go through all kinds of things--by the end of choir rehearsal (which was right after my appointment), I felt like I'd been on a day-long hike. Then my stomach hurt badly for awhile. Then my head hurt. Today I feel so much better, though, so I really do think that this will help and that I'll be on the mend.


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