
Happy birthday, Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
It would be pretty damn cool to be in Salzburg right now. I happened to be there on the anniversary year of his *death* in 1991. Which was awfully weird. They were selling Mozart chocolates absolutely everywhere. And I do have to say that Austrian Mozart chocolates are much, much better than the ones you can find here. My personal faves happen to be the true Kugeln, or balls. Balls that are perfectly round and covered with gold foil. Although, perhaps one can find those in the US now. I'm amazed at how much cool stuff is finally becoming available more frequently. Like Ritter Sport bars and gummi peaches and macademia nuts.
I'm a tad annoyed because my class decided we will be reading Wicked. Although I suppose it's better than having to reread Life of Pi. Ah, well--such is the nature of "book club" books, I suppose.
I'm also fiendishly jealous of everyone who's going to the Mozart party tomorrow night. Sigh. At times like this I wish I was in the musicology department. J and C, you're probably chuckling as you read this. Because I'm sure you're going. And so you should feel sorry for me. But that's OK--because I'm going to my friend's gig, so maybe it will get my mind off the numbing agony of not going. :)
If I were going to a Mozart party, naturally I would want to go dressed as Cherubino.
i heard he smelled.
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