ozarkian accents and mercury, again
Am watching Million Dollar Baby. My biggest complaint is that no one from the Ozarks talks with a drawl. My aunt's biggest complaint is that no one can talk with a respirator running, unless they shut off the equipment, etc. She says they should have used a medical consultant. I say they should have used a dialect coach. I've never heard a twang like what one hears in Southwest Missouri state. (I guess Hilary et al figured no one would notice if she just used a generic accent.) I can't mimic the Ozarkian twang, but I start talking that way whenever I'm there. It's kind of weird. My mother's mother was obsessed with not talking like other people from that area and tried hard to talk without a twang. When my mother got a job when I was in eighth grade, she mentioned to a coworker or boss that she was worried about the way she sounded on the phone, and her boss or whoever said "What? I think your twang is cute." If my mother talks about Missouri, she starts to lapse a bit. I'm not sure if it's because of her inflections or just because I'm used to that twang but I really do embarrass myself if I'm in Lebanon, Missouri for more than a couple of days.
When I know that Mercury is in retrograde, I just start to roll with the punches. The saga continues. Today, my temporary card to get into my building was supposed to expire at 10:40 tonight. However, I got locked out around 1:15. So I called Family and Graduate Housing and I need to take my new ID (that I got on Friday) all the way to Orchard Downs. Problem is, my bike is in the shop, the buses aren't running on a useable schedule, and I don't own a car. So I walked all the way to Orchard Downs (two miles each way from where I live). When I got there, the woman looked at my card and said that it hadn't even been entered into the system. Furthermore, the ID card I lost that was activated to supply access to my building was still activated. So if anyone found that ID, he could just walk into my building whenever. So I walked THREE miles to the bookstore, which is closed. I can't fix the situation until the folks in the ID office fix THEIR mistake. Fun, fun, fun. Given that Mercury is in retrograde, I need to be prepared to be randomly locked out of my building anytime, regardless of the fact that they extended the use of my temporary card (not my new ID which according to the entire system of the University of Illinois doesn't exist). Plus we're expecting some snowstorm. Maybe I should just lock myself in my apartment all day tomorrow so as not to run into too many pitfalls with the storm. :)
I probably needn't say yet again how very glad I am that I didn't have to deal with a bureaucratic state system as an undergrad. It's so great how all the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the student, who has to drudge around for miles because the system keeps fucking up.
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