Tuesday, December 13, 2005

turks, king kong

I'm starting to find that some Turkish guys seem to find me attractive. Maybe I should move to Turkey and get some action.

I should have listened to various people over the past year who have said that the fondue at the Bread Company totally blows. It's really not any good. Don't eat it. Stick with the pasta or pizza.

I need to get cracking on listening to my favorite Christmas song over and over and over. I love "Joseph lieber, Joseph mein." I think it's a variation on the older hymn "Resonet in laudibus" or something like that, but the H. Praetorius version of the former is beautiful and ethereal--the older hymn has a great tune but different sound usually when it's performed.

I had to turn down my friends' invitation to go see a movie tonight. Since one of them gets out of work at 10:30, we can't see anything except King Kong, which starts at midnight. And it's over three hours long. I have never liked the King Kong story; in fact, I rather hate it. Also, I can't deal with that level of pathos--it drives me completely nuts. For some reason, no movie about animals seems to be without major pathos. I refuse to see Babe, for instance.


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