I heart Joss....

Now will people start believing that I turn lavender pink?
I went to the amazingly fun history library, as well as the maps library, today. I hate library school. I really, really do. Then I had a drink with Sonya and hung out with some LEEPers. But most exciting was the visit to the movie theater to see Serenity. I was disappointed to hear from a LEEPer that she saw it last weekend and that it sucked, but she hadn't seen the twenty or so hours of prior material. So I was quite happy with it. I have the attention span of a fly, and I must say it takes quite a creator/writer/director/producer to hold my attention for every episode of Buffy, every episode of Angel, every episode of Firefly, and now this.
Naturally, though, I couldn't have had a normal evening without putting my foot in my mouth, in a big way. My friends had randomly invited some other opera people at the last minute, and I wound up having to explain to them why I am no longer friends with Miss Mess, who is responsible for telling these additional opera-people invitees some story or other. Well, anyway, she must have, because I constantly have to deal with discomfort at work when they whisper about me and point at me. I always have to bite my tongue off to keep from saying, "Wow, I am so surprised that you can't even look me in the eye, all because your friend has latent lesbian tendencies and came onto me and can't handle the emotional consequences. Huh." The farther I get from the time this all happened, the more I realize how very much she is Miss Mess. I can't believe I've had to deal, in adulthood, with this kind of behavior from someone who was one of my closest friends. I hope she's enjoying the job I got her in Chicago.
Although, more important than anything, I suppose, is that the experience was a traumatic one and made me realize a lot of things, finally, about myself. I might on occasion be attracted to a woman but the crush usually dissipates within about a week. Maybe I experienced this to show me, finally, that at this point in my life, I'm straight. I think I've known that for quite awhile now, just not consciously. Well, huh (as my mother would say).
And here is the haircut that I hate. ;)

I'm going on record as being completely ignorant of the lavender/pink controversy.
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