frustrations and burnings
Well, I have absolutely no idea how to christen a blog, so I'll just obsess about things, as usual.
Currently I am obsessing over my new haircut. I truly dislike it. It reminds me of that horrible haircut David Bowie has in that profile on that one album from the early '80s or something. The weird thing is that this guy has been faithfully cutting my hair for a year now, and he's been doing it so well that it looks fantastic when I just run my fingers through it. He said he loved the length when I came in and what did he do? Chop it all off. Groan. Although, I suppose it's not nearly as short as it is here:

But I wanted to look edgy then. The look I've been given is totally incongruent with how I feel these days. Damn, I hope it grows out soon. It's going to be hairband city for like, a month.
In addition to groaning and moaning here, I am copying obnoxious '50s and '80s music for my cousin, whose husband determines what music will be listened to in the house, and therefore she is continually subjected to '90s techno. So I'm sending her a little trip down memory lane. From the time we were about seven until we were around thirteen, our lives revolved around the top 40. It was truly exciting to keep track of when and how often our favorite songs were played. This whole recording project was incidentally set off by my very nerdy core-strength instructor, who has a vastly diverse collection of music and played a Hall and Oates song the other day that I knew Meg liked, so I downloaded it. I miss Hall and Oates.
Fred said I should have called this Non Sequiturville. Here's his blog:
Pancakes and Side Dishes
I'm Not Thinking About Tennis!
I have fixated on the phrase "hairband city," althouh I think it means different things to different people. Anway, just calling attention to it. Strangely appealing.
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