It's Turkish!

"My hairdresser tells me everything's going to be Turkish this year!" (Peter Shaffer, Amadeus)
I'm getting obsessed. I've fallen in love with all the Turkish music we're doing in the Balkan Ensemble. For some reason, there seem to be "signs" everywhere. My closest friend here in C-U last year had just moved back to the States after living in Istanbul for three years; I was considering going to Istanbul over Christmas; and now I'm getting way into the music. On Friday I went nuts on, and bought some Turkish CDs and evil eye stuff. Then I ran into one of the Turkish people I know yesterday evening, while I was with an ethno friend who's in Balkan Ensemble with me, and we'd already been talking about Turkish music and studying Turkish music for ethnomusicological purposes. And TODAY I ran into this woman from the program and her new baby, whom I hadn't seen since the spring, and SHE'S Turkish. I think Beth and I might take belly dancing soon.
And on TV? I saw this guy who was like an ambassador? And HE was Turkish!
Dude, I am really for serious.
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