Sunday, October 16, 2005


I was telling Missy Pants a story about Stevie last night and thought I would blog it.

Stevie started working at Oxford University Press after I'd be there awhile. He was hired by a woman who was the head of our division, who meant well but had pretty much turned into a basketcase and was difficult to work for. She might not have immediately hired him if she wasn't desperate, but he was certainly a breath of fresh air.

He showed up on his first day at work dressed in skin-tight bell bottoms (with enormous circumferences) that were made from a daisy print. Multicolored, of course. He was wearing a 70s-style shirt, unbuttoned halfway down his hairy chest and he always wore one of those Indian hand symbols around his neck. He had long, kinky curly hair. He always got mad because people told him he looked like Kenny G.

And yes, of course, Stevie was quite the flamer.

One day, Stevie was bugging my boss all day about another editor's author, who was visiting from the UK. My boss and the other editor also happened to be English. Stevie thought this guy was hot and was asking Janet where the author was staying.

I couldn't find Janet at some point and asked Stevie where she was, and he said, "I put her in a box, darling. I told her she had to stay there until she tells me where Judith's author is staying!" Not wanting to know anymore about this, I went back to my cubicle. Awhile later, Stevie skipped past and said, "She's out of the box, darling!"

When I went to see Janet, I told her what Stevie had said, and she exclaimed, "I thought he'd gone heterosexual or something!"

Anyway. Just a snippet of a wild person. When I find my pictures, I'll have to scan one of him and put it here.


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